5 Books

!: Inner Engineering by  Sadhguru.

This explains the science of yoga

2: This Book will Change how you feel about Mental Health   by Nathan Filer.

This might change how you feel about your mental health

3; Silence  by     Thich Nhat Hanh

A short and simple approach to living mindfully

4: The Science of Nutrition.   by  Rhiannon Lambert 

Clear and coherent information on nutrition 

5: The Spark in the Machine by     Dan Keown

explains the links between Traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine 

5 Whys

The “Five Whys”  is a technique used to determine the cause-and-effect of a problem.

The goal of the technique is to determine the cause 

This is done by repeating the question "Why?" five times. 

The answer to the fifth why should reveal the root cause.

Honestly ask yourself what's stopping me and why?

Rule of 5 Yin Yoga 

Yin Yoga, a practice focusing on deeper connectives tissue stretching and mindfulness, 

Five ways to: embrace Yin Yoga's principles - 

finding stillness, 

holding poses, 

releasing tension, 

breathing deeply,

cultivating awareness.

Five-Minute Poses: hold poses for five minutes each. 

This duration allows deep tissue release and encourages mental tranquillity.

Five  Poses:  five fundamental Yin Yoga poses, 




Shoelace, and 


These target major muscle groups and energy channels.

Five Breaths

Start and end each pose with five deep, mindful breaths. 

This helps your focus and enhances the meditative aspect of Yin Yoga.

Five Intentions

Set five personal intentions for your practice, focusing on areas like 




balance, and 

inner peace.

This approach will structure your Yin practice, that will deepen the connections between mind, body, and spirit.

£5 Scottish meals

Lentil and Vegetable Scotch Broth

A traditional Scottish soup, made with green or red lentils, root vegetables like carrots and turnips, onions, and barley.

It’s a filling meal that offers plenty of fibre, protein, and essential nutrients.

Buying vegetables in season and using store-brand lentils can keep costs low.

Veg is cheap .

Haddock Fishcakes with Oat Coating

Using sustainably sourced haddock, or frozen, once defrosted, mix with mashed potatoes and shape into cakes.

Coat them with porridge oats for a Scottish twist, and pan-fry until golden.

Serve with green veg for a wholesome meal, rich in protein and fibre.


Stovies are a traditional Scottish dish made by stewing potatoes with onions and, traditionally, leftover roast.

Or your favourite sausages., even vegetarian ones. I personally use Bisto powder,

To keep it budget-friendly and vegetarian, you can use carrots and for added nutrition, cooked in minimal oil or stock.

Porridge with Seasonal Berries:

Scottish porridge is a nutritious breakfast option.

Use store-brand oats and cook with water or milk.

Top with seasonal frozen berries, which are more affordable, and a drizzle of honey for natural sweetness.

Root Vegetable Mash and Poached Eggs:

A frugal yet nutritious dinner option can be a mash made from turnips, carrots, and potatoes.

Serve with poached eggs on top for a protein-rich meal.

Buying vegetables in bulk and using free-range eggs can make this meal cost-effective.

By shopping locally, choosing seasonal produce, and opting for store brands,

you can keep the cost under £5 while still enjoying the flavours of Scotland and the benefits of nutritious meals.

Rule of 5 workout

Is designed to ease into a routine with simplicity and repetition, focusing on five fundamental exercises that can be done without any equipment.

Here's a simple workout plan for men who are just starting out:

Weekly Plan (Repeat for 4 Weeks)

Monday, Wednesday, Friday (Strength and Core Focus)

5 push-ups (knee push-ups if necessary)

5 squats

5-second plank

5 lunges (each leg)

5 sit-ups

Tuesday, Thursday (Cardio and Flexibility Focus)

5 minutes of brisk walking (indoors or outdoors)

5 minutes of stretching focusing on major muscle groups

5 minutes of marching in place or low-impact jumping jacks

5-minute cooldown walk at an easy pace

5 minutes of deep breathing and relaxation exercises

Daily Routine Breakdown:

Warm-up (5 minutes)

March in place or walk briskly to gradually increase your heart rate.

Strength and Core (or Cardio) Exercises

Perform each exercise for 5 repetitions.

Take a 1-minute break between each exercise.

As your fitness improves, increase repetitions in increments of 5.

Cool Down and Stretch (5 minutes)

End each session with light stretching to improve flexibility and reduce muscle soreness.


Safety is paramount.

Do not attempt movement, if it makes you feel unsafe.

Try gentle stretching first.

Rest on weekends to allow for recovery.

Stay hydrated before, during, and after workouts.

Listen to your body—if you experience pain or extreme discomfort, stop and rest.

Remember comfort, lies beyond discomfort.

This workout is designed to be flexible and scalable.

As the weeks progress and your fitness improves, gradually increase the number of repetitions or the duration of the exercises, always in multiples of five, to maintain the theme and keep the increments manageable.

Remember, consistency is key, and it's better to progress slowly than to risk injury .

Stay safe